What is Active Kids?
Active Kids is a physical activity program for kids of all ages and abilities.
The Active Kids program includes lesson plans, training, and support needed to get kids moving for up to 45 minutes a day. It also includes shorter movement breaks, games, and activities tailored to your needs as an educator or parent.

Why Active Kids?
Kids are not getting enough physical activity.
Regular physical activity is proven to help prevent and manage non-communicable diseases, and help with physical health, mental health issues, and academic performance and yet, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) 81% of adolescents do not do enough physical activity.
Who is a Active Kids Trainer?
Anyone can be a Active Kids Trainer!
Whether you are a physical education leader, classroom teacher, youth development professional or parent volunteer, Active Kids provides all the training and resources you need to run a successful program.

What is the cost of Active Kids?
Our favorite question to answer!
Access to our Trainer Hub and the majority of our Active Kids resources and trainings are FREE. Some of our premium resources have a nominal fee associated with them. If you cannot afford these resources, we encourage you to apply for free access.
What do I Get When I Sign Up?
Unlimited access to our lesson plans, training and free resources.
Once you sign-up, you will be given access to our Trainer Hub. This Hub holds everything you need to run a successful Active Kids program as well as all the extra games and activities we release monthly.

How do I get started?
Sign up your school, classroom, youth organization or household.
Click the “Sign-Up” button to get started! Once you are in the Trainer Hub the New Trainer On-boarding Module under TRAINING is a great place to start your journey!
Our Hockomock Area YMCA has enjoyed an amazing partnership with Active Kids (formerly BOKS), benefiting hundreds of school-aged children in the 15 area communities we are so proud to serve. Active Kids has provided our teachers with innovative training and support to help implement the physical education curriculum. Children are the beneficiaries of this great program! They are learning that physical education can be fun, interactive and help shape a healthy futures.