Frequently Asked Questions

General FAQs: 

Q: What are the different types of programming you offer?  My school is K-8, are your activities appropriate for this? 

A: Absolutely! Active Kids provides programming that serves kids from Early Childhood through High School. See our Program Offerings page to learn more!  We’ve also modified many of our activities to support remote and hybrid learning as well.  

 Check out our Downloads page for a sample! 

Q: Is the Active Kids program only available to schools?

A: Not at all! Anyone can sign up for the Active Kids program! We have resources that can be used almost anywhere – at home, in schools and at community youth centers. We have activities for both indoors and outdoors. Parents, educators and community youth organization staff have many options to get kids moving with the Active Kids resources!  

Q: I am interested in getting trained in the Active Kids program.  Do you offer online trainings? 

A: YES! We offer variety of online trainings and they are free to anyone enrolled in Active Kids.  Our trainings include ‘New Trainer Onboarding’ as well as program specific trainings for our Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle and High School programs. We also offer a Diversity Training in collaboration with our partner, RISE   

Q: What is the cost of Active Kids? 

A: Our favorite question to answer! Access to our Trainer Hub and the majority of our Active Kids resources and trainings are FREE.  Some of our premium resources have a nominal fee associated with them.  If you cannot afford these resources, we encourage you to apply for free access. 

Q: Our school/org works with children of all abilities, is your program adaptable? 

A: Such an important question! We believe that all kids benefit from being part of a safe, fun environment that builds skills through play. Many children face obstacles that can affect how they learn and grow. Each child brings their own strengths, challenges, and abilities to your Active Kids class. Our goal is to provide opportunities for ALL children to participate in an inclusive and empowering environment, even when they may be starting from different places. As such, we are proud to have partnered with Special Olympics to further enhance our program to serve children of ALL ABILITIES. We include General Strategies for Inclusivity and lots of tips on including Students with Intellectual and Physical Disabilities in all of our traditional programming and trainings serving kids from early childhood to high school.    

Q: We are located outside of the United States and Canada.  Is Active Kids available to us? And if so, do you offer translation services? 

A: Glad you asked! Active Kids is available to anyone, anywhere but our resources are currently only available in English and French. We offer a curated selection of our resources in Spanish as well. We currently do not offer translation services. For more information on international Active Kids programming, click HERE. 

Q: I still have a question – what’s the best way to reach you? 

A: Our team is here to help! CLICK HERE TO CONTACT US  . You’ll to be connected to one of our regional program experts for support or you can email us at 

Trainer Hub FAQs: 

Q: How do I find my username and password for the BOKS Trainer Hub?


When you first enrolled, you should have received an email with the subject line “Welcome to the new Trainer Hub!” after your enrollment was approved by our team. This email contained a unique link to create your username and password. If you don’t recall receiving this email, be sure to check your spam/junk folder. If you are still unable to locate your username, please contact 

If you know your username but do not remember your password, please use this link to reset your password.  

If you still have issues, please contact 

Q: I am having issues resetting my password?  

A: Confirm you are using your correct username (see above) and that your reset password email did not go to your spam or junk mail folder.  

If you still do not receive the password reset email, please contact for assistance.  

Q: Where in the Trainer Hub do I find the activity plans? 

A: Log into theTrainer Hub using your username and password. From the homepage, navigate to the “Programs” tab in the upper left corner to access your program’s curriculum. Select the curriculum you are looking for from the dropdown menu and the curriculum tab will automatically be displayed.  

BOKS FAQ Trainer Hub