April Defenders of Physical Activity Award Winner: SaRah BoweRs!
Congratulations to Potter Road School and Lead Trainer, SaRah Bowers, for winning our Defenders of Physical Activity award for the month of April! SaRah has been involved with BOKS for 5 years and has proven to be a dedicated and enthusiastic lead trainer. SaRah’s dedication truly shined through when schools in her district were shut down due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Rather than putting her BOKS class on hold, SaRah sprung into action and is now providing her Framingham BOKS Stars with live, virtual BOKS classes!

The Potter Road School is fortunate to have amazing BOKS volunteers, like SaRah, to help run the program twice a year. SaRah is known for being goofy and making sure her 60 students start their days with a smile and some positivity. She goes above and beyond the Lead Trainer job description – like when she dressed up in a full Grinch costume and created a holiday “How the Grinch Stole our Workout” lesson plan. SaRah is an exemplary Lead Trainer who dedicates her days to getting kids from kindergarten to fifth grade active – that is no easy feat!
The BOKS team got a chance to speak with SaRah about her program and since we couldn’t all be together for an award ceremony, we created a video from the Framingham Community to honor SaRah! Watch the video here:
BOKS: In your Defender of Physical Activity Nomination, you mentioned the “side effects” of BOKS, can you share more about that?
SB: Our BOKS kids come from all different backgrounds, but they all get to start their day on a positive note. Kids who may need some support are getting it from BOKS and they are starting their day energized. It’s selfish, but I get so much joy seeing them smile after a BOKS class or when they see me wearing a funny wig with my face painted.
BOKS: During these uncertain times, you chose to not “hang up” your BOKS Lead Trainer shirt. Instead, you continued to dedicate your time to getting kids moving even if that meant virtually. How has the response to your Framingham BOKS Stars Live Workouts been so far?
SB: It’s been really great. I told my husband that I will keep doing this as long as one kid shows up. If one kids shows up, I will get up, rearrange my house and workout with them. I’ve seen a lot of my regulars show up during the live workouts, but I also love seeing the kids that come on later in the day to workout and replay the video. I love asking them what they want to see or what they want to learn; I know it’s not the typical BOKS program, but I want to keep them moving and engaged.
BOKS: If you had to name one thing, what do you love most about your BOKS program?
SB: The spirit of the kids. The kids haven’t given up even during these uncertain times. The perseverance of the students is going to make for a pretty great future.
We are so appreciative of you, SaRah and applaud you for your dedication to the BOKS program, your community and your students.
If you are a deserving BOKS trainer, or know a BOKS trainer that is going above and beyond, even at home, please nominate them for next month’s Defenders of Physical Activity Award here: https://activekids.org/news/introducing-the-defenders-of-physical-activity-award