Four Questions with Nicole DiBitetto, BOKS Boston Area Coordinator

It’s officially December, which means 2017 is coming to a close. As we finish up another successful and exciting year at BOKS we wanted to look back and highlight some of the people that have contributed to that success. Over the next few weeks we’ll be sharing some quick interviews with the people who make BOKS the program that it is today so you can get to know them a bit better.
Our first interview is with Nicole DiBitetto. Nicole is our Boston Area Coordinator, managing more than 60 Boston Public Schools running BOKS. Nicole is incredibly hard working and well-organized and we are proud to have her on our team – below is a little bit more about Nicole and her passion for BOKS:
What do you love about BOKS?
I love that BOKS gives an entire school community the opportunity to be active in a safe and welcoming environment.
Many schools that I visit not only have the students and trainers participating but also the principal, school nurse, coaches, and parent volunteers!
It is amazing to see everyone running around and having fun while also learning social skills that they can use with them in their every day lives.
The power of movement is amazing and I love seeing our program positively affecting so many people every day!
How has fitness and/or physical activity been important in your life?
I have always been a very active person. I have been dancing since the age of 3, ran cross country in high school, and most recently fell in love with yoga.
Physical activity is important to me not only for the physical benefits to your body, but also because it helps relieve stress, increase your energy, and can also introduce you to some new friends! I have made my closest friends through dance and other activities and I am very grateful for that.
As the area coordinator for BOKS, I love that I am able to give so many people the opportunity to move, learn new skills, and also make some friends along the way!
Describe yourself in 140 characters.
Greek, Italian, and Irish girl with a love of all food, yoga, and spending time with family and friends. Small obsession with coffee, peanut butter, and cozy blankets. Always willing to lend a helping hand or a smile!
Share your favorite BOKS story.
My favorite day so far was when I helped the FDR Upper and Lower schools coordinate a Marathon Monday Fun Run in honor of a former trainer who passed away. So many families from the school community as well as many staff members came out to participate in a warm up and run around the park that had signs indicating which “town” we were in just like on the Marathon route. It was such a fun and special day and I was honored to be a part of it.