Get To Know Your Boks Team Tuesday! (10th Edition)

Hey BOKStars! Welcome to the 10th edition of “BOKS Team Tuesday.” We are always here to help in every way possible to make your experience a great one and #TeamTuesday will allow you to put a face to the name, as well as learn a bit more about who we are!
Meet Heidi McGrath!
Position Title: Lead trainer, BOKS mentor, and voice of
Favorite thing about BOKS: I love that BOKS is about the individual. As a participant you don’t need to be the BEST at anything. You can come to BOKS to have fun, hang out with friends and not realize that you are doing something good for you.
Fun Fact: I went to Disney World every single year from grade school all the way up until I was in high school!
Favorite exercise:I don’t have a favorite exercise. I just “love” to exercise. It helps me stay focused.
Quote to live by: It’s not what you can’t do; it’s what you can do!
Best Team memory: My best team memory is the first year I ran BOKS at my school. We had a fourth grade girl who was a bit out of shape and overweight. She struggled so much with the activities but never gave up. Our goal that year was to have everyone run 9 miles in total. She ran every week trying to keep up. It came down to the last week of the session and she completed ALL 9 miles. Her mom came up to me at a later time thanking us for doing what we do. Her daughter is now signing up to run 5Ks. We made a difference in her life.