Get To Know Your Boks Team Tuesday! (11th Edition)

Hey BOKStars! Welcome to the 11th edition of “BOKS Team Tuesday.” We are always here to help in every way possible to make your experience a great one and #TeamTuesday will allow you to put a face to the name, as well as learn a bit more about who we are!
Meet Emma van Emmerik!
Position Title: Boston Area Program Coordinator
Favorite thing about BOKS: What I love about BOKS is our mission to develop all children’s intrinsic motivation to get their bodies moving every day. In order to get youth to adopt active lifestyles into adulthood, BOKS aims to empower kids to take ownership over their own fitness. The curriculum aims to get all kids off the sidelines, and to link the benefits of exercise to improved academic outcomes and social development. I am inspired by all of the individual trainers I have met so far who are dedicated to promoting physical activity in their local schools by implementing BOKS.
Fun Fact: I was born in the Netherlands and speak Dutch fluently – Dutch Gouda cheese is incredible! And the biking culture is so inspiring. In the Netherlands, bicycles there are essentially an extension of your body – I wish I could balance an arm chair and two small children on my bike. I hope to own a houseboat on a canal in Amsterdam some day.
Favorite exercise: I’m currently training for the Chicago Marathon – it will be my first marathon! I’m also obsessed with my road bike and love to Nordic ski. Last winter I did my first Birkebeiner in Wisconsin – a 50K skate race in -10 degree weather!
Quote to live by: “Skis, boots, poles?” Not exactly a quote, but what every skier has to ask themselves when they leave the house. When I leave in the morning it looks like I packed for long weekend (multiple meals, snacks, workout clothes, shoes, change of clothes, laptop, etc.) so I have to ask myself this every day!
Best Team memory: I am brand new to BOKS, but I am thrilled to be a part of a team that is dedicated to getting moving every day and geeks out together about all the benefits of exercise. The first time I met Kathleen, we went on a trail run up Blue Hills, which as a runner was pretty much my dream scenario of meeting my new boss. I’m really enjoying getting to know the members of the BOKS team and am looking forward to working (and working out!) with all of them!