Get To Know Your BOKS Team Tuesday! (2nd Edition)

Hey BOKStars! Welcome to the second edition of “BOKS Team Tuesday.” As we continue to grow to schools around the world, we may not get the chance to meet or see all of you. So, we thought it would be a great idea to highlight each of us at Headquarters in our blog. We are always here to help in every way possible to make your experience with BOKS a great one and #TeamTuesday will allow you to put a face to the name, and learn a little bit more about who we are!
Meet Brooke Rosenbauer!
Position Title: Manager of Operations, Strategy, Data and Evaulations
Favorite Thing About BOKS: Too many to just pick one! A few top favorite things include empowering the everyday individual to make healthy changes in his or her community and instilling a love of fitness and being active in children. On a personal level, I am truly blessed with a dream job that allows me to combine all my passions for fitness, kids, data and community empowerment.
Fun Fact: I have traveled to 20 countries and have spent a lot of time in Latin America and the Caribbean. As a result, I am fluent in Spanish and a somehwhat decent salsa dancer! If I had unlimited money, I would travel for the rest of my life. Hopefully, 20 countries is just the beginning. I also rode the train across the US right after I graduated college. That was a pretty amazing experience because I got to see the incredible landscape changes, from New York all the way to San Francisco.
Favorite Exercise/Workout: Again, it’s hard to pick just one! I love running, playing soccer, skiing, hiking, walking, dancing, pilates, kayaking, swimming, taking and teaching fitness classes, running up mountains with Kathleen… basically anything that gets me moving and outside is great!
Quote to Live By: “The best way to predict the future is to create it.”
Best BOKS Memory: For Kathleen’s birthday one year, we all ran up to the top of the Blue Hills ‘mountain’ and then ran down and ate ice cream. That was very indicative of how we operate as a tem: lots of physical activity, fun and of course Ben and Jerry’s.
Additional Fun Facts: To me, BOKS is truly about unlocking everyone’s inner strength. It is difficult for anyone to walk away from the BOKS program without feeling inspired and empowered – that includes the children who participate but also the trainers, principals, parent volunteers, and anyone else who is lucky enough to be touched by BOKS. These small scale changes will build on each other to eventually create a positive shift in our communities!