Get To Know Your Boks Team Tuesday! (5th Edition)

Hey BOKStars! Welcome to the fifth edition of “BOKS Team Tuesday.” We are always here to help in every way possible to make your experience a great one and #TeamTuesday will allow you to put a face to the name, and learn a bit more about who we are!
Meet Ally Dorsey!
Position Title: BOKS Communications Co-op
Favorite Thing About BOKS: I love the fact that I am able to combine my passion for fitness, kids, and serving the commuity all at the same time.
Fun Fact: My dad owns three karate schools and he had my whole family training since we could walk! However, I’m the only one in my immediate family who isn’t a black belt!
Favorite Exercise: Running, running, and more running! Additionally I enjoy hiking, skiing, and I just started getting into CrossFit.
Quote to Live By: “Clear eyes, full heart, can’t lose.” Thank you Friday Night Lights!
Best Team Memory: I’ve only been here for a few weeks but everything so far! It’s great being able to work with a small team.
Anything Else?: I ran the Boston half marathon this fall and plan on two more within the year!