Get To Know Your Boks Team Tuesday! (7th Edition)

Hey BOKStars! Welcome to the seventh edition of “BOKS Team Tuesday”. We are always here to help in every way possible to make your experience a great one and #TeamTuesday will allow you to put a face to the name, and learn a bit more about who we are!
Meet Caeli Sullivan!
Position Title: Social Purpose Marketing, PR and Social Media Manager
Favorite Thing About BOKS: Our immediate and extended team. To be surrounded by such wonderful people really makes each and every day that much better.
Fun Fact: The first concert I ever went to was Milli Vanili – too bad I later found out that they had been lip syncing the whole time!
Favorite Exercise: Yoga is definitely my favorite way to work out, but I love running as well.
Quote to Live By: “Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans.” -John Lennon
Best Team Memory: One of my favorite team memories was after a long day of shooting a video for BOKS we made our way to one of Kathleen’s favorite spots Farm Pond for some rest and relaxation. I definitely love the moments when we can get out of the office and either work out together or just bond as a team – whether it’s making dinner at someone’s place or going for a run up Blue Hills. Work hard, play hard.