Happy National Nutrition Month!

Happy National Nutrition Month! February’s color was red for heart month and Valentine’s. March’s color is GREEN symbolizing energy and growth—two things all kids want more of. Spring arrives 3/20 and brings more sun and warmth to grow super healthy foods like veggies, fruits, and whole grains. So get outdoors to absorb that sun and Spring (get it?) into the season with some time outdoors having fun with family, friends, or even pets to get active. And think about ways to get more green in your body especially since St. Patty’s Day is 3/17. Celebrate all month by eating as many GREEN foods as you can—and remember they only count if they’re naturally green. Those green sugary drinks or candies don’t count! Speaking of false advertising, though the first day of April is for fooling around (April Fools’ Day), don’t you be fooled by food marketing. Be a super sleuth and read nutrition labels to get the real story, not the fake one. Focus on sugar (< 25 grams/day) and trans fat (ZER0). Remember to choose lots of colorful foods that provide vitamins needed to stay strong & healthy—the foolish fake colors in sodas or sports drinks don’t count! So March (ha ha) ahead and go get your GREEN on!