Have the Healthiest April Ever!

Happy April! In April (as the saying goes) we get plenty of showers to bring those May flowers. Since you are 2/3 water and constantly losing it, “shower” yourself inside and out by drinking plenty of H2O instead of having those sugary drinks. Earth is 2/3 water too. So for Earth Day 4/22, drink plenty of H2O and choose foods from the farm like veggies, fruits, nuts, whole grains, proteins—not the factory. They’re better for the planet & you! For those celebrating Easter 4/16, be careful with the candy. A little is fine, but too much really saps your energy level and isn’t great for your teeth. Instead of eating lots of chocolatey eggs and bunnies, be like a rabbit and nibble on some veggies—carrots for a snack, a side salad for lunch or broccoli with cheese for dinner. And as for those eggs, skip the chocolate ones and go for the real deal. You can dye them green for Easter but you can make green eggs and ham just like the Dr. Seuss book you probably read! Eggs make a great breakfast scrambled up or in an omelet or for a super protein-packed snack when hard boiled. Click on this link for more information about choosing super healthy veggies and fruits that come from the farm not the factory!