Mindful Eating
Happy May! The 5th of the month is Cinco de Mayo and Mexican food can be delicious & nutritious: protein in beans, veggies in fresh salsa, and healthy fats in guacamole. Technically the tomato in that salsa is a fruit and that’s OK! Speaking of fruits, thank mom this Mother’s day for the many, many things she does for you and was right about—including telling you that an apple a day can keep the Dr. away. Lots of other fruits can do that too, so choose them often. Eating fruit is healthier than drinking it even if in the form of 100% juice because of the fiber. Instead of juice or other sugary drinks, have plenty of water. It not only helped sprout those May flowers (from those April showers), but it will keep you growing and energized too! With that extra energy, celebrate Bike to Work Week by—you guessed it—going for a bike ride. Your “job” = school, so ask permission to bike there with family or friends or plan a ride afterwards. Wear a helmet! May finishes up with Memorial Day and offers another great chance to bike but also a fun time to cook out. Try grilling chicken or fish instead of the typical burgers/dogs & include veggies/fruits instead of chips this year for a delicious and nutritious meal. And remember to Sit Down, Slow Down, and Savor the Flavor of that amazing meal connecting with your family and friends—that means tune into each other and turn off the TV, video game, phone screen!
Click on this link for the Top 3 Reasons to have family meals as much as possible—not just Mother’s Day or Memorial Day!
Click on this link for more information about choosing super healthy veggies to include during the month of May: